Tuesday, January 11, 2022

What Is Attorney Review In Nj

A typical real estate transaction begins with a buyer and a seller agreeing on the purchase price and items included in the sale. Most often the parties will have been brought together through the efforts of a real estate agent. In New Jersey real estate agents are allowed to prepare standard residential real estate contracts.

what is attorney review in nj - A typical real estate transaction begins with a buyer and a seller agreeing on the purchase price and items included in the sale

However, both parties are allowed the opportunity to have the contract reviewed by an attorney who can terminate the contract or propose changes to the contract. The buyer and seller have 3 days from the full signing of the contract to have an attorney review the contract. The attorney review is a critically important step in a real estate closing. A realtor prepared contract contains generally acceptable and standard language. However, each real estate closing is different and what may be acceptable in one transaction may not be acceptable in another.

what is attorney review in nj - Most often the parties will have been brought together through the efforts of a real estate agent

The role of a lawyer in a real estate transaction is to provide protection for his client and insure that clear title is transferred. Engaging the services of a lawyer early in the process improves the likelihood that the closing will take place without difficulty. When should you have an attorney review a real estate contract? In New Jersey, we have what is known as "attorney review." Attorney review is a court-approved agreement between attorneys and Realtors. In essence, the buyer and seller sign the contract and then it is reviewed by the attorneys.

what is attorney review in nj - In New Jersey real estate agents are allowed to prepare standard residential real estate contracts

The concept is to allow realtors to "strike while the iron is hot" and to allow the parties to sign the contracts first and then to have attorney review the contracts later. Taking advantage of the attorney review period is important for both buyers and sellers. While all real estate contracts in NJ must be written in "plain language," the fact remains that some confusing legal concepts will make their way into virtually every real estate transaction. Working with an experienced real estate attorney can ensure you are getting the best advice on the ins and outs and specific legal language of real estate law. You do not want to find yourself bound to a contract that includes terms that you never fully understood. The attorney review period gives you time to work closely with your attorney so that you have a solid grasp on your rights and responsibilities as set forth in the contract.

what is attorney review in nj - However

In 1983, the New Jersey Supreme Court affirmed a final consent judgment for a settlement agreement between the New Jersey State Bar Association and the New Jersey Association of the Realtor Boards. The terms of the settlement provided that real estate brokers and salespersons may prepare contracts to sell or lease real property, so long as a standard form is used that includes a three day period for attorney review. Plaintiffs Michael Conley Jr and Katie M. Maurer made an offer to purchase a condominium from defendant Mona Guerrero , and, a few days after, the Seller signed and executed the contract.

what is attorney review in nj - The buyer and seller have 3 days from the full signing of the contract to have an attorney review the contract

Attorney review is a 'time-out' period of a minimum 3 business daysrequired by New Jersey law. The 3 day clock begins ticking when the buyer and seller have both signed the contracts but remember, weekends and holidays don't count. Either lawyer can, and usually should, "disprove" the contract. They can then make changes to it by sending riders back and forth. It's very important for you and your realtor to be copied on these riders so everyone knows what is going on. Once everyone agrees to all the changes, you will "sign off" on attorney review and the contract becomes binding.

what is attorney review in nj - The attorney review is a critically important step in a real estate closing

If the attorney fails to disprove the contract as required by the real estate commission rules, attorney review ends at the end of the 3 business days and the contract automatically becomes binding. When it comes to NJ real estate transactions, first-time buyers or sellers can find themselves under-informed when it comes to their rights and responsibilities during the sale of a home. Real estate contracts are complex documents that may be difficult for many people to understand as well as they need to. In New Jersey, buyers and sellers have the right to a 3 day attorney review period to ensure that their best interests are being met. First, it is important to note that before signing a legal document, such as a contract, it is important to have it reviewed with an attorney BEFORE signing.

what is attorney review in nj - A realtor prepared contract contains generally acceptable and standard language

In the State of New Jersey, the realtor prepares the contract on a standard form. The buyers and sellers then participate in a three business day attorney review period. The review period commences when an attorney for either party sends a letter stating that they disapprove of the terms contained in the proposed executed contract. Modifications to the contract may be made by either or both parties.

what is attorney review in nj - However

The attorney review period is concluded upon all parties' agreement to the original contract and the modified terms of it. The contract may also be cancelled by either party during the attorney review period. A contract prepared by a realtor is called a realtor prepared contract.

what is attorney review in nj - The role of a lawyer in a real estate transaction is to provide protection for his client and insure that clear title is transferred

Only a realtor prepared contract is required to have a 3 day attorney review provision. This permits the buyer and seller to sign a contract and cancel within in 3 business days, by having an attorney send a "notice of disapproval". A buyer and seller can concentrate on the basic terms of the contract, price, closing date, deposit amount, and mortgage amount and review the fine print with an attorney after the contract is signed.

what is attorney review in nj - Engaging the services of a lawyer early in the process improves the likelihood that the closing will take place without difficulty

A real estate transaction presents dozens of issues to deal with and keep track of during the process from contract to closing. A real estate lawyer who has conducted hundreds of real estate transactions has the expertise and experience to identify and deal with these issues so that your interests are protected. The legal fee to have an attorney represent you is relatively modest, and well worth it for all of the protections you will receive by having an experienced attorney represent you.

what is attorney review in nj - When should you have an attorney review a real estate contract

When you ask real estate attorney Jeffrey S. Walters to represent you with your home purchase or sale, you will have the confidence of knowing that he is looking out for you from the very start. He will be protecting your interests from the time you sign the Contract, through your home inspection, title report and finally, at the closing table. At closing, he will be sitting by your side, thoroughly reviewing and explaining all of your documents, and spotting issues which need to be corrected and addressed to protect your interests. The Buyers sued for specific performance, claiming the contract was enforceable because the Seller's notification of disapproval was sent improperly. The Court concluded that, because the Buyers received actual notice of disapproval within the three day attorney review period by a method of communication commonly used in the industry, the notice of disapproval was valid.

what is attorney review in nj - In New Jersey

What Does Attorney Review Mean In Nj The attorney review period within which this notice must be sent remained three business days. Almost all real estate transactions begin with the signing of a real estate contract. This document is the most important document in the entire transaction. The contract sets forth the rights and obligations of the buyer and the seller. The contract sets forth what I call the essential terms of the contract, as well as the other terms.

What Does Attorney Review Mean In Nj

The essential terms are the identity of the buyer and seller, as well as the purchase price, closing date, the type of deed the seller must provide and what appliances and fixtures are included in the sale. Every New Jersey real estate contract prepared by a real estate professional other than an attorney must contain a three day attorney review clause. The attorney review clause provides both buyers and sellers with three business days after execution of the contract of sale to obtain a New Jersey attorney to review, disapprove, and propose changes to the contract. The state of New Jersey allows for a 3 day attorney review period to begin after a contract of sale has been signed by the buyer and seller and a copy has been delivered to both parties. This 3 day period allows both parties ample time to retain a real estate attorney who will review the contract. The attorney will either accept/approve the contract as-is, make changes to it, or cancel it all together.

what is attorney review in nj - The concept is to allow realtors to strike while the iron is hot and to allow the parties to sign the contracts first and then to have attorney review the contracts later

The Supreme Court held that in this case, because Buyers received actual notice of disapproval within the three-day attorney-review period by a method of communication commonly used in the industry, the notice of disapproval was valid. The attorney-review period within which this notice must be sent remains three business days. Read your standard real estate contract carefully, and make sure the notice of rejection after attorney review is communicated in accord with this opinion. Real estate brokers should consider revising the standard agreement to update the notice requirements to those expressed by the Supreme Court which are more in keeping with current communication methods.

what is attorney review in nj - Taking advantage of the attorney review period is important for both buyers and sellers

The New Jersey State Bar Association advocated this update as a friend of the court in the Supreme Court's consideration of the case. For more of this case contents, contact our experienced lawyers at Craig, Annin & Baxter LLP. In New Jersey, the attorney review period begins once the buyer and seller sign a contract.

what is attorney review in nj - While all real estate contracts in NJ must be written in plain language

The period lasts three business days after the parties sign the contract. During the attorney's three-day review period, the parties can ask the attorney to make changes to the contract. The parties may also cancel the real estate transaction during this period. After delivering the contract of sale to the purchaser or their counsel, a three-day attorney review period commences.

what is attorney review in nj - Working with an experienced real estate attorney can ensure you are getting the best advice on the ins and outs and specific legal language of real estate law

This is when the purchaser's lawyer can examine the contract in detail. During the review period, either party has the right to cancel the transaction or contract without incurring any penalties. Generally, only business days count in the three-day review period.

what is attorney review in nj - You do not want to find yourself bound to a contract that includes terms that you never fully understood

If, for example, the seller signs the contract on a Friday, the review period will start on the next Monday. Once both parties have signed a New Jersey real estate contract, there is a 3-day attorney review process. During this time, your attorney checks to ensure that all contract terms are up to par.

what is attorney review in nj - The attorney review period gives you time to work closely with your attorney so that you have a solid grasp on your rights and responsibilities as set forth in the contract

It is basically a grace period between the signing of the real estate contract, and it's being legally binding. This is a last-minute opportunity for attorneys on either side to find issues with the contract as-is. Attorney Review Period The state of New Jersey allows for a 3 day attorney review period to begin after a contract of sale has been signed by the buyer and seller and a copy has been delivered to both parties. It is important that each party have an attorney review the contracts to make sure the legal rights of the party are protected and that the party understands the terms of the contract. Realtors are not legally allowed to give legal advice to the parties and cannot represent the legal rights of the parties.

what is attorney review in nj - In 1983

The fact that the Realtor-prepared contract is a "standard" contract is misleading. There is no "standard" contract form in New Jersey and each Realtor may have their own form with terms that differ from other Realtors. Attorney review – In a residential New Jersey transaction, you have three business days from the date that you signed the broker's contract of sale to retain an attorney. That time period is called "attorney review." During attorney review, your contract is not binding and either the buyer or seller can cancel the contract and move on.

what is attorney review in nj - The terms of the settlement provided that real estate brokers and salespersons may prepare contracts to sell or lease real property

After attorney review, the contract becomes binding and everyone is stuck with what is not always the beneficial terms set forth in the broker's contract. The goal is to move out of attorney review as speedily as possible with changes to the broker's contract of sale reflected in riders and amendments to the contract. It begins the first business day following the delivery of the fully signed contract to both the buyer and seller. This period of time does not include weekends or holidays. If a letter disapproving or terminating the contract is not served on the other party and realtor by the close of the third day, then the contract in its original form becomes binding.

what is attorney review in nj - Plaintiffs Michael Conley Jr and Katie M

Buyer shall be entitled to obtain all inspections within 14 days of completion of attorney review. If Buyer requests that Seller cure such conditions, Seller shall then have 7 days after the receipt of the reports and requests within which to notify Buyer, in writing, whether the Seller shall cure any of the conditions set forth. If Seller shall fail to so notify Buyer, said failure may be deemed by Buyer to be a refusal to cure said conditions. If Seller fails to agree to cure said conditions within the above stated time period, the Buyer shall then have the right to void this contract by notifying Seller in writing. If Seller agrees to cure said conditions, all repairs, replacements or remediation shall be completed prior to closing in a workmanlike manner and shall be subject to re-inspection and approval by qualified inspectors.

what is attorney review in nj - Attorney review is a time-out period of a minimum 3 business daysrequired by New Jersey law

In no event shall Buyer waive their home inspection rights without a written waiver. If Buyer obtains an FHA/VA mortgage which requires that repairs occur prior to closing, this contingency shall not have been deemed met until the parties have successfully negotiated such required repairs. Only an attorney can issue a Notice of Disapproval during the three day attorney review period. If the original Realtor form contract was fully executed by all parties, the review period started on the date of that Agreement. If neither buyer nor seller retained an attorney who in turn issued a Notice of Disapproval within 3 business days of the date of that Agreement, that original contract is now fully legally binding as is.

what is attorney review in nj - The 3 day clock begins ticking when the buyer and seller have both signed the contracts but remember

Real estate contracts will differ from realtor to realtor. It is important to know that in New Jersey, the attorney review period is your right as a buyer or a seller in a residential real estate transaction. If the contract does not include an attorney review clause, do not sign the contract until it has been reviewed by your attorney. Your real estate agent will most likely be using standard New Jersey Association of Realtors contract forms. These work well for most homes however every home and circumstance is unique. It's wise to have an attorney review the terms of the contract during the three day attorney review period once the contracts are fully signed.

what is attorney review in nj - Either lawyer can

During this time an attorney can cancel, or revise a contract on behalf of a home buyer or seller. As noted above, the attorney review period is a 3-day process. This means 3 business days, which do not include federal holidays or weekends.

what is attorney review in nj - They can then make changes to it by sending riders back and forth

In NJ, the typical attorney review period is three business days starting after the seller signs the contract with a buyer. During this review period, the buyer and seller can ask through their New Jersey Real Estate attorneys to make changes to the contract. This is the period in which a buyer or seller may cancel the contract for any reason. Generally, it is the seller's responsibility to obtain a certificate of occupancy and to obtain and smoke detector certificate from the municipality. The title policy includes insurance protecting the buyer from defects and title liens.

what is attorney review in nj - Its very important for you and your realtor to be copied on these riders so everyone knows what is going on

No one should ever buy property without obtaining a title search and title insurance. In addition to a title search, a survey of the property is generally required by the mortgage company. A survey will disclose property line and boundary issues as well as easements and rights of way affecting the property.

what is attorney review in nj - Once everyone agrees to all the changes

The attorneys for both the buyer and seller review the title and survey in order to eliminate any issues that would adversely affect the property. The attorney review period is unique to New Jersey and protects both buyers and sellers from entering into unwise real estate contracts. In New Jersey, as well as in every US state, the contract is far and away the most important document in the entire real estate transaction process. If a realtor prepared your contract, it will contain an attorney review clause. This clause will give you three business days after the contract is signed to review it with your attorney. If your attorney disapproves of any part of the contract, the contract is broken until the other party agrees to the changes or a compromise is negotiated.

what is attorney review in nj - If the attorney fails to disprove the contract as required by the real estate commission rules

The three day attorney review period is often misunderstood. The three day period begins on the date of the signing of the contract by all parties. The buyer and the seller have the right to have an attorney review the contract within that three day period and provide advice to the parties. If the attorney for the buyer OR seller issue what is referred to as a Notice of Disapproval of the contract during that three day period, the contract becomes null and void and is not binding. I can only assume that is what happened here without seeing the documents.

what is attorney review in nj - When it comes to NJ real estate transactions

Tuesday, January 4, 2022

What Do I Do If My Soil Is Too Hard

Unlike sandy soil, clay soil holds moisture well—sometimes too well. Fine soil particles stick together, allowing little room for drainage or for air to reach plant roots. The solution is to break up the soil and add lots of organic matter such as compost, shredded leaves, peat moss and gypsum over time. After organic matter has been added to clay soil for more than three seasons, you will see dramatic changes in the soil's texture, or tilth.

What do I do if my soil is too hard - Unlike sandy soil

It will dry faster after heavy rains, crack a little less in dry weather, and won't require as much digging to keep it aerated. Instead, you can start using a long-tined broadfork to restore air to the root zone when renovating planting beds. Clay soil is heavy, so using a broadfork is less work than digging and turning a bed.

What do I do if my soil is too hard - Fine soil particles stick together

Once a bed is perforated with deep holes from a broadfork, compost and organic fertilizer spread over the surface can be raked into the holes. To fix compacted soil, which is soil that has little to no air space, break it up to make it hospitable for your plants again. Start by shifting livestock, machinery, vehicles, and foot traffic away from the compacted area to give the soil a rest. If you use the compacted area for farming or gardening, move your plants somewhere else for at least 1 growing cycle. Instead, plant a cover crop, like winter wheat or ryegrass, to allow the roots to break up the soil. For smaller, grassy areas that are compacted, use a small metal garden fork to poke holes in the soil so air, water, and roots can enter the area.

What do I do if my soil is too hard - The solution is to break up the soil and add lots of organic matter such as compost

However, when tackling a larger area, use a rototiller with an aeration attachment. Instead of gypsum, consider core aerifying in spring, summer or early fall to reduce the compaction and improve plant health. Aerifying with large half-inch hollow tines and punching about 25 holes/square foot will produce good results. Very compacted soil can benefit from several corings each year . Yes, coring is an expensive service to buy, and most lawns really don't need it; but it won't hurt. And if the soil is compacted, it's usually the best solution to the stifled growth.

What do I do if my soil is too hard - After organic matter has been added to clay soil for more than three seasons

Compaction is most likely to occur with heavier soils like clay and loam, but when heavy equipment is used, sandy soils can become compacted. These are soil particles that are packed closely together. The problem may be compounded by events that have happened to the soil over the course of years.

What do I do if my soil is too hard - It will dry faster after heavy rains

The pore spaces are reduced to the point that air and water cannot move freely and plant roots cannot grow easily into the surrounding soil. The soil could remain overly wet longer than is healthy for the plants growing there. Surprisingly often, people imagine that the proper way to improve dense, clay soil is to add the opposite kind of mineral material—sand. After all, loamy soils, viewed as ideal garden soil, are a mixture of sand and clay. Unfortunately, when sand is added directly to clay, the result is something that more accurately resembles concrete.

What do I do if my soil is too hard - Instead

The reason loamy soils are great for plants is that they have a large ratio of organic material in them as a foundation for the sand and clay. Without lots of organic material, clay plus sand equals an awful garden. Clay soils are best improved with the addition of compost and other organic materials only. To improve your soil, you'll need to add 6 to 8 inches of organic matter to the entire bed.

What do I do if my soil is too hard - Clay soil is heavy

Grass clippings (as long as they haven't been treated with chemicals), shredded leaves, rotted manure, and compost are all perfect choices. The organic matter needs to be mixed into the top 6 to 12 inches of soil. Digging it in and mixing it with a shovel is a great way to do this, as it moves a lot of earth without pulverizing the soil particles the way tilling can. However, if digging is just too hard on your back, using a tiller is a fine method. For a large vegetable garden, another solution is to grow a cover crop at the end of the season, then mow and turn in the following spring before planting. The roots penetrate the compacted soil and loosen it.

What do I do if my soil is too hard - Once a bed is perforated with deep holes from a broadfork

By mowing and turning the mowed tops in, the soil is additionally loosened. Cover crops could include annual ryegrass, winter wheat, winter rye, buckwheat, oilseed radishes and hairy vetch. Plants in pots need a lightweight soil mixture for good aeration, as potted plants typically lack earthworms to aerate the soil around their roots.

What do I do if my soil is too hard - To fix compacted soil

Soil dug up from the yard should never be used for growing container plants, as it will compact tightly with each successive watering and drying cycle. Eventually, the plant roots will have little access to air and will be more susceptible to drowning and rotting because a tightly compacted soil drains water slowly. After a crop is harvested the soil needs to be renewed before planting a successive crop. These cover crops are tilled in before they go to seed, and break down quickly so a new harvestable crop can be planted without much delay. One way to avoid hard soil is to prevent it from happening. Yearly applications of organic matter will help prevent the soil from becoming hard and compacted again.

What do I do if my soil is too hard - Start by shifting livestock

To keep soil softened, add organic material such as compost or animal manure into the soil each spring before planting time. Apply organic mulch, like hay, around plants and allow it to decompose and work its way down into the soil. The organic material will ensure the soil is softened year round. Once you have realized your soil is compacted, there are several things to be done.

What do I do if my soil is too hard - If you use the compacted area for farming or gardening

Resist the urge to routinely roto-till or cultivate the garden. Instead, consider adding organic matter by using mulch or compost over the top of a flower bed or simply hand-spade it into the top 3 to 6 inches of soil. For a vegetable garden, put 2 inches of compost on the soil surface and till in and repeat for a total of 4 inches in a season. A goal of 5 to 15 percent of organic matter would be advantageous. Compost is decomposed organic matter, and it is the best thing you use to improve the health of garden soil.

What do I do if my soil is too hard - Instead

The main reason for aeratingis to alleviate soil compaction. Compacted soils have too many solid particles in a certain volume or space, which prevents proper circulation of air, water and nutrients within the soil. Excess lawn thatch or heavy organic debris buried under the grass surface can also starve the roots from these essential elements. True potting soil is actually "soil-less." Topsoil is for planting in the ground. Topsoil is sand or clay (ground-up rocks) mixed with organic materials such as compost. Potting soil is a mixture of peat moss and other organic materials such as composted sawdust.

What do I do if my soil is too hard - For smaller

Excess water from downspouts, clogged gutters and air conditioner condensate can overwater plants. Clay soil has the highest water-holding capacity of any soil type, so it stays wet for a very long time compared to sandy or loamy soils. Potting soils are specially formulated to provide adequate air, moisture and nutrients while also serving as a sturdy anchor for the plants.

What do I do if my soil is too hard - However

These fluffy blends usually include varying ratios of several materials. Peat moss and sphagnum moss are two main components, both of which help retain water to prolong the time between watering. Some form of tree bark is also usually present, and aids with drainage. Other materials, like perlite, vermiculite and sand, in varying quantities, increase or decrease the porosity of the mix. Soil that is hard and compacted will not allow water and nutrients to soak in and the soil becomes barren and dry. Tiny plant roots cannot spread out in search of moisture and nutrients, so plants dehydrate and starve.

What do I do if my soil is too hard - Instead of gypsum

Compact soil also impedes microbiological activity necessary to convert organic matter to nutrients that feed the plants. Walking on your lawn once it has been tilled and yet to dry will often result in compacted soil or hard soil. Even though most soils will harden under heavyweight, soil rich in clay is more prone to hardening because of clay soil's low drainage and tiny soil particles. To answer how to grow grass on hard-packed dirt quickly, first, you should loosen the hard-packed dirt with proper gardening tools. Opening up hard-packed soil allows air and moisture into the soil to help roots get the nutrients they need.

What do I do if my soil is too hard - Aerifying with large half-inch hollow tines and punching about 25 holessquare foot will produce good results

Next, remove any dead roots that might be in the hard-packed soil, these roots could be drying the soil. Finally, add grass seed with some topsoil or apply sods on the top surface. Clay soil is often not aerated enough and is deficient in good structure which makes it more difficult for successful growing. To get the most out of clay soil it's best to add large quantities of well-rotted organic matter in the fall and peat a few weeks before planting. Greensand can also be used to loosen heavy clay soils or bind sandy soils. Without enough air space in soil, there's no room for water and nutrients to circulate, and the roots on your poor plants have nowhere to grow.

What do I do if my soil is too hard - Very compacted soil can benefit from several corings each year

The good news is that there are steps you can take to fix and prevent soil compaction. Below we'll walk you through how you can break up compacted soil, reintroduce air into it, and make it a welcoming home for your plants again. Pour a layer of fresh potting soil into the new planter and pack it down, removing any air pockets.

What do I do if my soil is too hard - Yes

If your new planter doesn't have a drainage hole, layer the bottom with lava rocks or similar (rocks, gravel, etc.) before adding the potting mix. The goal is to create crevices for the extra water to pool into, away from your plant's roots. Soil conditioner is added to soils to help prevent compaction. It is often used to help native soil that has been damaged or to promote strong root growth.

What do I do if my soil is too hard - And if the soil is compacted

It improves drainage and aeration when added to potting soils. Although you may think plants only need soil, water and sunshine to survive, plant roots also need access to plenty of air. In outdoor soils, earthworms and other burrowing creatures provide valuable aeration services by breaking up tightly bound soil particles as they push through. Soil that has been compressed, or compacted, lacks the tiny air pockets critical for plants to survive.

What do I do if my soil is too hard - Compaction is most likely to occur with heavier soils like clay and loam

Make accommodations.A high water table is a much more difficult issue to address. Instead, it's a fact of life that you will likely have to work around. However, you can still improve drainage by increasing the depth of your lawn borders. You can also add layers of soil to create raised beds. Finally, you can landscape using more shallow-rooted plants capable of surviving wet conditions. One of the best approaches to growing vegetables in clay soil is to stick with veggies that like clay during the first few seasons of soil improvement.

What do I do if my soil is too hard - These are soil particles that are packed closely together

Mid and late season sweet corn are a good choice, too, but some of the best vegetables to grow in clay are squash and pumpkins. Because of its fine texture, clay soil tends to pack down, which limits the amount of soil oxygen available to plant roots and soil microorganisms. When growing vegetables in clay soil, mulches slow down natural compaction and promote natural soil ventilation, which in turn increases the comfort of plants' roots.

What do I do if my soil is too hard - The problem may be compounded by events that have happened to the soil over the course of years

Gunky clay is no one's idea of wonderful garden soil. When wet it's heavy and slimy, and it dries into chunky slabs that crack into pieces. Like other extreme types of soil, tight clay can be radically improved with regular infusions of organic matter and thoughtful handling.

What do I do if my soil is too hard - The pore spaces are reduced to the point that air and water cannot move freely and plant roots cannot grow easily into the surrounding soil

I have been growing vegetables in clay soil all my life, and we have come to an understanding. I respect clay soil's needs and quirks, and it pays me back with a fun and fruitful garden. Loamy soil, a relatively even mix of sand, silt and clay, feels fine-textured and slightly damp. It has ideal characteristics for gardening, lawns and shrubs. Loamy soils require replenishing with organic matter regularly, and tend to be acidic. Our orchard is in a sandy area and our garden is in a clay area.

What do I do if my soil is too hard - The soil could remain overly wet longer than is healthy for the plants growing there

We didn't plan it that way, it's just how it worked out. We've been working compost into the soil, adding mulch and using cover crops and it is amazing how both the sandy and the clay soil have improved. Potting soils are precisely mixed using strict formulas and recipes. Most potting soils are based on peat moss, with other ingredients added to make them ideal for certain uses.

What do I do if my soil is too hard - Surprisingly often

For example, seed starter mixes are very fine and fluffy so that fragile, fine roots can spread easily. When repotting a plant, don't treat the pot like a sand castle mold at the beach -- the goal isn't to get as much potting mix in the pot as possible. Add a handful of soil at a time, gently but firmly packing each scoop in and around the roots so it still feels springy and spongy when pressed. Add more soil until the roots are completely covered and the crown of the plant is just above the soil line.

What do I do if my soil is too hard - After all

Continue to mash the soil down with gentle pressure until the surface of the soil is even, and then water it well. A plant in a properly packed pot should not sag, lean or shift, and should not come out of the pot when pulled on gently. An over-packed pot will feel dense and heavy, and water will drain slowly. I have to admit that I was very skeptical about Love Your Soil and Magi-I-Cal Plus but after using both products for less than one year, I'm a true believer!

What do I do if my soil is too hard - Unfortunately

Like many households in North Carolina, my clay soil was extremely compact and very hard to work with even after amending it with screened compost and peat moss. After using both products my soil appears to be less dense, I don't have puddles of standing water and my grass is deep green even during extended periods of drought. My lawn might not be picture perfect yet but I finally feel that I'm on the correct path to a much healthier soil and lawn.

What do I do if my soil is too hard - The reason loamy soils are great for plants is that they have a large ratio of organic material in them as a foundation for the sand and clay

Thank you for making professional grade products available to home owners. It is best to improve an entire planting area all at once, rather than to attempt improving the soil in individual planting holes as you need them. If you dig a planting hole in clay soil, then drop in a plant and nicely amend only the soil you're using to backfill, your plant will be happy for a little while. But you have done nothing more than create an in-ground flower pot.

What do I do if my soil is too hard

Eventually, the plant will start sending out roots that will be stopped in their tracks when they reach the clay walls of the planting hole. You'll end up with a root-bound plant that won't grow as large or as healthy as it should. Rock phosphate, or rock dust, is also a valued amendment to restore phosphorus levels needed for vigorous plant growth. If you use the compacted area for farming or gardening, move your plants somewhere else for at least one growing cycle. Instead, try substituting a cover crop at the end of the season, such as winter wheat or ryegrass.

What do I do if my soil is too hard - Clay soils are best improved with the addition of compost and other organic materials only

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